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Yang Style Long Form

List of Postures

1.   Preparatory Posture                                                   2.   Beginning Form                                                        3.   Grasp Sparrow’s Tail                                                 4.   Single Whip                                                            5.   Lift Hands Upward                                                    6.   White Crane Displays Wings                                         7.   Left Brush Knee Twist Step                                        8.   Hands Strum Pipa                                                    9.   Left and Right Brush Knee Twist Step                         10. Hands Strum Pipa                                                    11. Left Brush Knee Twist Step                                           12. Advance Step, Deflect, Parry, and Punch                      13. Like Sealing, As If Closing                                         14. Cross Hands

15. Embrace Tiger, Return to Mountain                             16. Observe Fist Under Elbow                                           17. Left and Right Step Back Dispatch Monkey                    18. Flying Obliquely                                                       19. Lift Hands Upward                                                   20. White Crane Displays Wings                                       21. Left Brush Knee Twist Step                                       22. Needle at Sea Bottom                                              23. Fan Through Back                                                   24. Turn Body and Strike                                               25. Advance Step, Deflect, Parry, and Punch                     26. Step Up. Grasp Sparrow’s Tail                                    27. Single Whip                                                            28. Cloud Hands                                                           29. Single Whip                                                            30. High Pat on Horse                                                    31. Left and Right Separate Feet                                       32. Turn Body and Kick with Heel                                     33. Left and Right Brush Knee Twist Step                             34. Advance Step, Plant Punch                                       35. Turn Body and Strike                                               36. Advance Step, Deflect, Parry, and Punch                     37. Right Kick with Heel                                                 38. Left Hit Tiger                                                          39. Right Hit Tiger                                                         40. Turn Body, Right Kick with Heel                                   41. Twin Peaks Strike the Ears                                        42. Left Kick with Heel                                                    43. Turn Body, Right Kick with Heel                                  44. Advance Step, Deflect, Parry, and Punch                     45. Like Sealing, As If Closing                                         46. Cross Hands

47. Embrace Tiger, Return to Mountain                             48. Oblique Single Whip                                                  49. Wild Horse Parts Mane                                              50. Grasp Sparrow’s Tail                                                  51. Single Whip                                                            52. Jade Maiden Threads Shuttle                                         53. Grasp Sparrow’s Tail                                                54. Single Whip                                                            55. Cloud Hands                                                           56. Single Whip                                                            57. Squatting Single Whip                                              58. Golden Cock Stands on One Leg                                 59. Left and Right Step Back Dispatch Monkey                   60. Flying Obliquely                                                       61. Lift Hands Upward                                                    62. White Crane Displays Wings                                       63. Left Brush Knee Twist Step                                       64. Needle at Sea Bottom                                              65. Fan Through Back                                                   66. Turn Body, White Snake Darts Tongue                         67. Deflect, Parry, Punch                                                68. Grasp Sparrow’s Tail                                                69. Single Whip                                                            70. Cloud Hands                                                           71. Single Whip                                                            72. High Pat on Horse with Piercing Palm                           73.  Cross-Shaped Legs                                                 74. Advance Step Punch Toward Groin                             75. Advance Step Grasp Sparrow’s Tail                             76. Single Whip                                                             77. Squatting Single Whip                                                 78. Step Up Seven Stars                                               79. Retreat Astride Tiger                                                 80. Turn Body Sweep Lotus                                               81. Draw the Bow and Shoot the Tiger                              82. Advance Step, Deflect, Parry, and Punch                     83. Like Sealing, As If Closing                                          84. Cross Hands                                                           85. Closing Posture





   Yang Cheng-Fu"s 10 Key 

     Principles of Taijiquan


Vitality of Spirit Leads to the Top of the Head

Arc your Chest and Round your Back

Loosen your Waist and Hips

Distinguish Substantial and Insubstantial

Sink the Shoulders and Drop the Elbows

Use your Yi not your Li

Upper and Lower Body follow each other

Harmonize your Mind and Body

Continuity without Breaks

Look for the Tranquil in Motion


                  Yang Chengfu, 1918